Demo Sandbox
What's New in HCL Leap 9.0
What's New in HCL Leap 9.1
What's New in HCL Leap 9.2
What's New in HCL Leap v9.3
Deal Tracking v9.3
Simple CRM v9.3
HW & SW Requests v9.3
Training Requests v9.3
Marketing Services Requests v9.3
Phone Orders v9.3
Showroom Pattern v9.3
Incident Tracking v9.3
Onboarding Checklist v9.3
Bicycle Rental v9.3
IT Security Assessment v9.3
Request Leave v9.3
Customer Quotes v9.3
Credit Card Promotion
Customer Service
Animated Quiz
OpenWeather Forecast
Business Conduct Guidelines
Change of Address
ROI Calculator
Leap Courses on HCL Software U
HCL Leap Wiki
HCL Leap Forum
HCL Leap Documentation
Introducing HCL Leap v9.3
Building Apps with HCL Leap v9.3